Deliver / 2021
Meals on Wheels Magazine Spread
Full page spread sharing links and information on supporting City Meals on Wheels mission.
Deliver / 2021
Meals on Wheels Direct Mailer
A direct mailer detailing ways to aid efforts in providing meals to New York’s homebound elderly for both individuals and corporations.
Vol.1 / 2022
History of Graphic Design Brochure
A Brochure regarding Jens Müller and Julius Wiedemann’s The History of Graphic Design Vol. 1 which utilizes images from the book.
Print / 2021
Typography Poster
Poster utilizing type as design without imagery. Through typography and layout, texture and design are produced.
Caring for Loved Ones / 2020
Dementia Nami Poster
A poster emphasizing how dementia may impact mental health which offers a link to a Nami webinar providing information on caring for loved ones with dementia. The treatment of the title allows viewers to feel how one with dementia feels, portraying a sense of confusion and stress while alluding to the distortion of a brain with dementia. Utilizing original photography, the imagery illustrates that parts of a whole may be withering away while the essence of the whole is present.
Protect and Respect / 2020
Public Land Environment Poster
Recognizing the relevance of nature in regard to mental health while also acknowledging the significant value of public land in the preservation and restoration of our ecosystem, this poster exhibits original photography taken in national parks across America.
Art Makes Change / 2020
Craft Alliance Community Poster
A design focusing on the non-profit, The Craft Alliance. Using original photography, the imagery creates a dynamic atmosphere to interest the viewer and express the organization's objectives while focusing on the impact of art.